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Uso de pyrimidine biosynthesis em inglês
It is therefore crucial to limit thymine-replacing uracils.dUTP is constantly produced in the pyrimidinebiosynthesis network.
Adipocyte Xbp1s overexpression drives energy mobilization and protects mice from obesity through activation of the pyrimidinebiosynthesis pathway.
Next to the inhibition of pyrimidinebiosynthesis and proliferation of activated lymphocytes, it seems to have multiple anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effects.
A putative uracil phosphoribosyltransferase gene was found upstream of the barbiturase gene, suggesting mutual interaction between pyrimidinebiosynthesis and oxidative degradation.
This transcriptional rigidity carried over to metabolically related RNA encoding folate and pyrimidinebiosynthesis, as well as to the rest of the parasite genome.